April 29-May 12, 2016
We have making the yearly trek to Cape Hatteras for the past
19 years – my relationship with Hatteras is definitely a love/hate relationship
– we have made some of our very best & like-minded friends in Hatteras and have weathered out some pretty
big storms on the island and life together.

The physical change in the island is much like the changes
in our lives – every year a piece is missing or not quite the same. I guess that is what happens over 2 decades. We have held on to each other thru cancer
scares and divorces. We have traveled to
celebrate weddings and tried to help friends with young kids continue to make
the trek.

We also joined the River Rats for a few fires. This gang is from New York and windsurf in
the Hudson River – that is how they got their nickname. I
loved spending time with Marty who is 82 and still windsurfing and in the
Winter he is a ski instructor for disabled skiers. This was Marty’s first year back to Hatteras
since losing his wife Esther in 2013 – I watched him go out with all his gear
on a light wind day and was worried about him as he struggled lifting the sail
and heavy gear. I sat eagerly by our window in the trailer and
watched him for a good hour before finally the wind picked up and lifted his
sail and away he went – I jumped up and down and clapped in excitement for him
and maybe even had a tear. He got his ride – and he definitely still has
We also spent some time with our friends from North Bay who
rented a house – Dave, Kim, Agnes & Gerry.
We even found some Astorville friends at the campground Claude and Lise.
Meeting a new friend always brings joy to my life – thank you
to our new friend Craig from Squamish BC who is currently doing his residency
in Burlington. Bill and Craig enjoyed some surfing and SUPing
sessions and a few short road rides. Great
to spend those few days with Craig – sharing meals and nightly fires - thank
you for biking at my speed and for letting me draft you - and for watching the (Unidentified) fireflies
with me – I am not done with my
recruiting efforts. Hope you come and
see how beautiful North Bay is – you are welcome any time.
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