We decided to make a break for the coast today, right after
Bill had one more morning surf session.
We slowly started making our way down the coast of Highway 1
– we were denied this drive on our 2010 trip due to terrible weather –so it was
important to both of us that we do it this time –
The drive was a little foggy, but what I could see of the
ocean looked brilliantly blue, strong, powerful and somewhat threatening as the
waves crashed over the giant rocks.
We felt we should stop before dark with the roads being so
windy and having no shoulder or guard rails at all and I don’t want to think
about where you are going if you go off the road….yikes…
So we came to an adorable little town called Mendocino – we
had time to walk around downtown and take a short hike along the cliffs (me a
little reluctantly) to watch the pure power of the waves as the water pounded
against the cliff bottoms!
We had a tricky time finding somewhere to pull in for the
night, so we checked with a local business owner and he showed us some overflow
parking in a field and that is where we stayed unbotheredJ
your trailer setup looks like a more modern version of mine!